Dancing with Infinite Wisdom — Djamilla Samad

Dancer and teacher, Djamilla Samad moves through life with a vibrant energy, letting go of what no longer serves to make something new.  Djamilla’s life experiences have led her to create a unique form of devotional fitness, a somatic type dance to release tension, and embrace joy.

In this episode, Djamilla and Catherine discuss….

  • Coming back into the body after a near-death experience 
  • Knowing when mother nature is ‘backing’ you
  • Ways of deepening reverence 
  • Training as a professional ballerina 
  • Learning different styles of dance to create a new dance language 
  • Lucid dreaming as a child 
  • The place where the mystery informs us, and we inform the mystery
  • Simplifying moments by offering true presence

Djamilla was born, raised, and educated in Stockholm, Sweden, and was introduced to yoga as a 9-year-old. After graduating from the Royal Swedish Ballet School she toured the world as a professional ballerina. And later on in life, she developed her own style of movement, an ergonomic method on how to tap into the emotional richness our bodies contain. She teaches classes in Marin County and is available for private sessions online.

For more of Djamilla’s work, follow her: 


Instagram: @Djamillascircle

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/djamillascircle?mibextid=ZbWKwL

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Song Credit: All Related, by Nessi Gomes